Saturday, January 29, 2011

Happy Weekend, Friends.

Happy weekend, sweet friends. Anything fun planned?

I spent the beginning of mine laying around in the yard getting some reading done, and feeling some sunshine on this round (and slightly lopsided) belly.
Thanks to scoliosis, I like to tell people that one side is 8 months pregnant, and the other 7.

This weekend will be spent exploring what is important. Yesterday we lost money that we desperately needed for when the little one gets here. But ultimately, we have to remind ourselves that money is just money. Paper with no real meaning or value that brings us any significance.
When we come across these battles and hard-points in life, all we can really do is understand that what's done is done, and dwelling in bad feelings of negativity, stress, and worry will do nothing but prolong those feelings.
It is our choice what mood we wake up in every day. No one or thing should be held responsible for the way we allow our days to go.

Step back, take a deep breath, and let those feelings go. When all else fails, eat a huge plate of warm, fresh-from-the-oven cookies and milk at midnight :)

Happy weekend, friends.


  1. don´t worry. You both are very lucky. you´ve got the most important thing!

  2. Thank you so much for this reminder. It is so important in this crazy world to remember to take time to step back & value what we truly care about. I feel like I've been losing my balance in this recently, in the busy-ness of trying to set up a new business, maintain my marriage & friendships, figure out how to train our puppy (she has anxiety problems), and get everything in my life generally organized & the way I want it.

    I appreciate the helpful little pushes back towards where I want to helps to remember that we choose how we feel & what we think. Thank you for that.

    All the best to you both in your weekend explorations.

  3. PS--I have scoliosis too! Has it caused any problems for you throughout your pregnancy? I'm concerned that it would for me, since mine is so bad I had surgery when I was 12.

  4. Things happen for a reason... (Not to make light of what u are going thru). This just means tomorrow will get better!. Raichel is right!

  5. You have the right attitude :-) I think your lopsided belly is adorable! Have a wonderful weekend : )

  6. Hey Aura. I have been following your blog since the LJ days. Just wanted to say congrats on the bebe. You are the most darling pregnant girl ever. I looked like a massive swollen blob when I was pregnant. :)

  7. My husband and I have been married for 8 years and have experienced our fair share our financial ups and downs, as every young married couple does. Looking back, those are the times I treasure the most because they brought us closer and allowed us to appreciate each other and what we have so much more.

    I love your positive attitude and beautiful words every time I read your blog! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  8. Love the words you wrote!

    And gosh, the pictures--you're a beaut!

  9. Hi Aura,
    Congrats! you having the great time of your life. Best wishes for you. :-)
    My weekend is also going fine some studies. .and some fun..

    take care
    keep smiling
    have a super sunday
    see your space soon.

  10. I'm sorry to hear about your $ woes but you are right about letting things go. I've had to remind myself of those same sentiments lately. Holding onto the negative only keeps me in bondage to it. Milk and cookies, or in my case this week a pan of brownies and tea, are always a nice comfort too ;).

    blessings to you and your growing fam,

  11. Oh Aura, I am sorry to hear that. Something that surprised me when I had my little guy, is that they need so very little the first year in terms of materiel goods. Besides a few pairs of clothes, and a place to sleep, everything else they need, you can provide (mainly food and love!). Also, might I suggest cloth diapers...they have saved us a bundle. Little Vijay is 3 months old now, and we haven't spent a penny on him since he was born...and he is the happiest baby around!

  12. Hey Aura! Steve and I were going through the same money troubles last week. I love reading your blog and becoming inspired to feel better of myself and that I am in control of my life, and how I choose to live it. Love the blog and photography...Steve is trying to photograph anything and everything as well...and it looks great like yours!

    Can't wait for pictures of your little one!

  13. Money problems are ever present in my life. The best thing for me is to realize that someday it will be better. Money is so small when equated to happiness but when you can't pay rent it becomes unfortunately more important. I'm glad you aren't letting it overcome you.

    Cute baby belly =)

  14. I so needed to read this post! I've been planning this fun vacation for a month now, and today, the day of, I woke up with the flu and had to cancel (hopefully just the first part of) it. You are so right, what is is what is, there can still be happiness in the middle of disappointment. Thank you! :)

  15. and oh yeah, duh, your pics are stunning. and love the lopsided belly. so cute.

  16. SO cute... But isn't it freezing there???? I can only DREAM of going outside in a bikini right now in New Jersey! haha

  17. That's a very cute bikini - love it! :) Thanks for the words, they're needed today.

  18. I'm glad I read this entry today, it really lifted my spirits! I'm somewhat stranded in my apartment because of the weather and no vehicle, so reading this helped.

    You look fabulous, and I can't wait to see photo's when your little baby comes!

  19. Such beautiful words. I too am going through some difficult battles in my life and I really needed to hear (or I guess read?) them. May everything resolve itself beautifully for both of us :)
    God Bless <3

  20. Great words of wisdom. I love your perspective in life.
    We're in central Texas and have been enjoying the plentiful sunshine too...just not the allergens! :(

  21. I'm sorry to hear about your tough day, but at least you have cookies! Cookies are always nice. Enjoy the rest of your weekend! Mine's almost over, but it's ending with a swim and a roast dinner, a perfect weekend.

  22. I'm with you sister! Choosing to be happy is a powerful decision. Not always easy, like anything worthwhile. I just wanted to write and let you know that I've had surgery for scoliosis and struggled with back issues on and off; but have thrived with two small children. Can be done. She'll be right, we say here in Australia. Best wishes for the birth. xx

  23. I think in these economic times a lot of people are going through money troubles. I love your prospective and needed that reminder.

  24. I just came across your blog and love everything about it: your pictures, thoughts, inspirations, etc. I could go on and on :)

    <3 kris&kel

  25. Don't worry Aura, your little bird will have the most important thing in her nest: LOVE. And for all the material things, God will provide.


  26. Sorry to hear about the lose of funds... Although you seem to have the right attitude about it. We had something similar occur recently and I don't know that I was as poised in dealing with it. : p

    You look fantastic, by the way. And, I'm terribly jealous that it's warm enough to sit outside where you are. I'm battling a Chicago winter...Le sigh.


    All This is Grace and Charm

  27. You must be kidding me, is that winter there? ;) oh my, i'm missing sun and summer so badly!

    I have skoliosis too and broken bones in neck, it's awful and i don't even take care of my back :/ I'm dreaming of yoga but waiting for the courage to go to the lessons.

  28. That's friends baby is due in February, when she was in highs chool she had a really horrible car accident that left her with a lot of metal throughout her body...crazy enough, her pelvis is metal! So her stomach is completely lopsided now too. She thinks that he's uncomfortable on the left side he's curled up on the right, and of course she gets a lot of big kicks to that other side:) Looks like you are feeling great, and I'm completely jealous of the sun...I need that!

  29. I am a new follower, such a great blog. I love your pictures

  30. Because of where we live (poor South Chicago) it is really easy for me to keep some perspective on the money issue. When I begin to worry, I always remind myself that we may go without some luxuries, b ut my baby will never go without something he needs, and because of that we are truly lucky, truly blessed. I hope things work out easily for you and with no more stress.

  31. hope you had a wonderful weekend getting back to what is really important in life. we shouldn't worry so much about things like money...we can always make more. life and people are far more important. meanwhile, we went on our babymoon this weekend and it was blissful! are you guys planning to go on one too??

  32. Thank you, friends. Your words are always so encouraging.

    Kim- Just some extra pain that I think straight-spined woman don't experience as severely :) Regardless, pregnancy hurts! Your body changes so much and so quickly that it's hard to escape some sort of trouble. But I've had particular issues with sciatic nerve pain, and some problems with my hips.
    The side you bare your weight on from the curve if your spine will be the one in trouble. I just do lots of stretching, sit down when I can, and resort to my heating pad every night!

    Christine- Thank you for your sweet words. Little Vijay is so precious, I love every new picture of him.
    I would have loved to do cloth, but I will be back at work in 7 weeks and my Mom specifically requested that she not have to deal with them :) Since she's my daycare, so I have to respect her wishes.

    Kim- I hope you guys are doing well! Do you miss Oklahoma? And my haircuts? :) haha! Steve has been asking me a few photography questions on facebook, I hope they have helped!

    Sini- Don't be fooled, it's normally freezing! We just had a freakish warm front move through and got a few days of hot weather. Tomorrow we have a snow storm :)

  33. Dont worry Lord will will always guide u to get of this situation out.........

  34. you look gorgeous in your swim suit with your sweet little bump!

  35. just found your blog and it is absolutely beautiful. your pictures are lovely. many blessings to you and yours & your soon-to-arive little one! :)

    ~ arielle


I love your words, advice, stories, and support more than you know. Thank you, thank you, thank you for always adding a bit of light to my day when you leave little notes.
