Friday, February 11, 2011

Don't worry, about a thing.

Every day, I sing this song to my little joon.

One day I hope to teach her, either through sweet music, words, or by example, to take on each day as a new one. A beautiful fresh start and clean slate - life never really seems to be that bad when you know how many second chances you get to make each day count.

I bought these 3 little wooden birds at a local boutique the minute I saw them. I knew I would hang them in her room where she would wake up to them every day. To the music of a song she heard me sing to her a hundred times while she was still in my belly.

Today my day went from good, to no-good terrible-awful very quickly. My brain is a scattered mess and I managed to mix up two orders from the shop. On top of it, I went to pick up the totes from the screen printing company, and they were in the wrong colors.
I allowed about an hour to feel sorry for myself, and then it was time to get over it.
People make mistakes, and being in a rotten mood the rest of the night isn't really worth the hard work of staying angry. Sometimes we just need to not worry so much, and realize that everything will be okay.

A couple weeks ago, my Grandma, who speaks about 15 words of English, said to Michael:

"don't worry, be happy."

It was probably the cutest thing she has ever said, at the most appropriate time.
Grandma is such a simple person, almost child-like in her forever preserved state of naivety. I learn so much from her about the true simplicity of life, and our journey through it.


Sweet friends, thank you so much for your kind words in my last post. I never know what to say, so I will just say thank you.

I hope you have a happy weekend, full of no worries and little birds to remind you of new beginnings.

"Three Little Birds" -From the album B is for Bob, Bob Marley


  1. Hello...not even sure how I tripped over your blog - perhaps through Google recomendations, but I absolutely love reading your posts! You send rays of beauty and peace through your lovely blog and I hope to continue reading :)


  2. Oh my goodness! We sing that song to our two-year-old daughter Avery all the time! She sings it by herself now...and it's such a sweet reminder when it comes out of her mouth. Hope you have a wonderful, relaxing weekend!

  3. Such a sweet post! We like that song too, but our recording is by Renee and Jeremy (highly recommend their album, "It's a Big World", best lullaby/kid's album.)

  4. Thanks for putting this sweet song in my head :)

  5. Three Little Birds is my go to song whenever I am having a rough day. At our wedding, we walked back down the aisle as husband and wife to my stepfather and his guitarist playing the "B is for Bob" version.

  6. i absolutely love that song! elizabeth mitchell sung it on one of her children/baby's album. i love listening to it with my little one. your blog is so beautiful! blessings to you & yours!

  7. I love the birds mobile. They are lovely! I hope you are getting around okay with all this ice!

  8. I think I need me some hanging birds in my room! :)

  9. Simple is usually the best. Go Grandma! It fits in with your song so well.

  10. This is sweet, Aura! Happy weekend full of no worries, little birds and new beginnings to you, too.

  11. We are having a lovely lazy weekend - even if I did clean the kitchen! I definitely find it hard to 'let go' when I make a mistake, thank you for reminding me that we're all human. I hope you are having a great weekend too. M xx

  12. What beautiful birds. :) Your baby will be dreaming of flight!

    Love the advice your grandmother gave. I need to keep that in mind.

  13. Your granny is right!. Why 'cry over spilt milk'? its already spilt, right? Tomorrow's gonna be a better day- it has to, to make up for the moment u were feeling blue!.

  14. Lovely post, Aura. That song is such a wonderful way to put one into a good mood!
    I love the birds. I've made some for my little girl's room - its fun to see that someone else had a similar idea.

  15. I love that song! It really has helped me keep things in perspective when there are bumps in the road! I love your blog! Thanks for sharing your lovely pictures and wise words with us!

    - Angela

  16. Aura... My dad who is a true blue Haight/ Ashbury hippie...has sang that song to me since I was little. SO sweet. He is now dying... literally ( he was given four months.) I keep finding myself humming it and hearing it everywhere...thank you so much for this.

  17. Aura, I love that song! It is one of my all time favorites. I'm also learning to be less hard on myself (and others!) for mistakes. We are all human and all make mistakes and I try to use my errors as both learning tools and for my personal amusement (later on, of course). :) I'm keeping in mind that life is too short to take things so seriously and I feel that your blog is a beautiful reminder of this. I hope you and baby Joon have a lovely weekend!

  18. My bestfriend suggested your site to me today. I love when bizarre things happen, I also sing that song to my son and have a print from Etsy with three little birds and the lyrics in his room. (that I just uploaded on flickr for a photo assignment) Clearly a sign that I will like your blog!!

  19. I really appreciated this post since I'm a massive worry wart and I'm always having to remind myself that worrying doesn't help anyone.

    p.s. I love that last photo! Will you be selling prints in your etsy shop? I'd love to have some of your photos gracing my white walls.

  20. that is hands down my favorite bob song and I have to say an excellent way to think about life. I wish I would have read this yesterday after my no good, horrible, very bad day at work. Thank you for the breath of fresh air and thoughts! ox

  21. I named my blog Every Little Thing because of that song!! Love it.

  22. love this post. i used your picture idea over at my blog (i linked back to you). simply adore everything on here.

  23. Your blog is breathtaking. It's stretched in beautiful imagery, painted my photographs and by words. Please continue to be as beautiful as you are. Thank you<3

    love amy ^.^

  24. So dreamy :)

    I can't wait until I get to feel the magic of pregnancy some day. I've always felt like it will be a huge part of what I am meant to be in the lifetime.

  25. My 16 month old daughter and I love that CD. :)

  26. P and i listen to that song all the time. I love the birds hanging from the window. Great idea!

  27. don't be too hard on yourself, sounds like classic baby brain :)

  28. So lovely idea, these birds. Your home looks so sunny all the time, I love it.

  29. Beautiful...we all have our bad days and it just depends on how we work through it that matters and it seems like you have just the right medicine because Bob always makes me feel better...actually any reggae soothes a soul. Have a beautiful day, Aura. xo Julie

    Have you listened to Anthony B or Sizzla? Check them out, a little harder but SO good.

  30. Hi pretty, Hope your week is the same! :-)

  31. I found this website with funny/enlightening stories about real parenting.

    Kind of in line with another reader's comment that the right parenting is what works for you!

    - Angela


I love your words, advice, stories, and support more than you know. Thank you, thank you, thank you for always adding a bit of light to my day when you leave little notes.
