Friday, July 29, 2011

Happy (hot) Weekend.

We had some relief and the temperatures dropped to the low 100's, but next week we're looking at 109, again. I think this might just be the weekend that I take your advice, and get a kiddie pool for us to splash in.

Happy Weekend, friends.
Any fun plans?


  1. Fall cannot come soon enough!!
    Stay cool sistah....

  2. That last picture and the one of her feet & little green dress are so precious :) At 103 here, I totally agree with the kiddie pool!

  3. I'm thinking Kiddie Pool, too.

  4. so, what happened to Hunter?

  5. Lovely photos :) This weekend my husband and I are escaping Seattle to go to eastern Washington to go camping.

  6. Seriously aura, she is SO stinking cute!!! Stay cool!

  7. So glad you all got a break from the worst of the heat! I love that mint colored dress on your daughter - is that vintage? Have a lovely weekend!

  8. I love the sheet or blanket Elodie is sitting on with the elephants, where is that from? Enjoy your hot weekend, I wish we could at least experience a warm weekend here in Seattle: )

  9. I cannot get over how stunningly adorable your daughter is! I look forward to the day when I might get to experience that kind of joy.

    and this weekend I'm going to the circus with my little brother! one last hurrah together before I go off to college.

  10. Your photos are so beautiful! This weekend I'm doing some wedding planning and having my first ever spa day with some friends. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  11. While you fight the oppressive heat, we fight the dreary rain, day after day, here in rural Alaska. Summer shows up from time to time with glorious sunshine and warmth that begs for sleeveless shirts and shorts any time we break into the 70's (or even sometimes the 60's as was the case last night when the sun broke out). I dream of a garden as luscious as yours, and even commented to my husband as we were out walking yesterday evening that I dream of having a greenhouse where I could plant and protect fresh produce instead of paying for overpriced cardboard that holds only a hint of flavor and nutrition. Still, it is beautiful here--rain, tundra and all. A village that still holds some roots in tradition, a bilingual society still speaking in the native tongue, and friendly locals that greet me everywhere I go even though I am a visitor--these things make this place infinitely beautiful, even as we are surrounded by gray.

  12. Elodie is so beautiful! My husband walked by and said she looked like a doll. The heat is horrible, but Fall will be so amazing when it finally comes!

  13. Beautiful pictures! But that's always the case! 109?! To think, I'm here in AL complaining about it being 91. A kiddie pool sounds like a great idea! I don't know how much this would help you guys right now, but there's also a floor fan that attaches to a water hose and blows a mixture of air and mist. Or, at Lowe's, they have misters that you can hang from your patio gutter. They're pretty incredible. My mother in law spent many a Florida nighs on the porch with her vino.

  14. The same as you - trying to stay cool! It's only a few degrees cooler in DFW. The kiddie pool idea sounds like a good one!

  15. keep cool my dear. it's hot hot hot here in ohio as well. It's been a long summer

  16. I'm spending some much needed time with my mom and dad, packing up one of my dearest friends as she and her husband embark to their new home in atlanta, and thinking over an opportunity that has come along...your photos are lovely- I hope you all can stay cool this weekend!

  17. sending you cool, foggy, bay area thoughts.

    you guys are troopers for handling that weather. i admire you.

    and elodie is magic.

  18. As an Oklahoma City-ian, I appreciate you taking pictures that represent our scorching hot state as beautiful still. I always adore your blog. Thank you. Enjoy your weekend!

  19. I am absolutely in love with your blog. The inspiration, love and fun you contribute to every post is beyond inspirational.
    The temperatures make it truly impossible to live life to the fullest. Love how you try to stay upbeat despite the heat!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Your photography makes me ache with happiness.

  22. some fabric shopping and jazz in the park in dallas with my brother, husband, SIL and the beeb,... cant wait! looking like another hot one here too! happy weekend to you and your fam.

  23. Elodie looks so sweet and beautiful. and she has so much curiosity in her eyes, its amazing to see how fast she grows. Also I love the photo of the sunflowers :) as for the weekend: i have been planning to do a little day trip with my boyfriend to visit some nearby waterfalls (i live in the South of Spain). have a very nice weekend !

  24. Come visit me in Germany, we've hardly had a summer. It's been mid 70's most of July and rain. :) Kiddie pools are the best. I had one when I lived in Arizona and it was awesome.

  25. I feel for you Aura! I'm so appreciating Sydney's mild winter right about now. This weekend i'm taking it easy and doing some organizing, reading, and maybe crafting. Hope your weekend is lovely. x

  26. I live in OKC too and it is miserable! I have two little ones at home and they BEG to go outside and it makes me feel horrible! We make lots of visits to the library, indoor playgrounds, and friends houses to keep cool. I feel like i should own stock in chick-fil-a because we go there a lot to let the kids play and it is nice and air conditioned!

    Thank you for sharing your love of nature, babies (my fav!) and life here in okc. We are thankful for you!

    Kathy C.

  27. Elodie is growing more and more beautiful each day.

    Yes, to a kiddie pool. We have a $5 inflatable whale (from Target) for the baby which she loves to splash in. But for our older kids we put up one of those unsightly quick set pools (12' x 30"). It is basically a large puddle but we've had the neighborhood kids in it numerous times and you would think that they were playing in the ocean- they were having so much fun. When it was 95 here last week I took the baby in for a dip. It seriously took the edge off the heat and kept us cool for a few hours afterward. It's also great at night before bed- to just sit in the cool water for a bit.

  28. the kiddie pool is the best invention ever, in my opinion. It's refreshing, silly and a lot of fun.

  29. I feel your pain, it's been so, so very hot here in NJ too...I was beginning to feel so trapped inside, and I can usually take the heat but this is crazy! Today I'm going to visit my dear friend and her new little one. Luckily she lives in the mountains so maybe they'll be a little reprieve from the heat...stay cool, friend and Elodie is getting more and more gorgeous by the day, what a beautiful head of hair that girl has!!

  30. Aura I stumbled across your site looking for ideas for canna groupings. About 45 minutes later I completely lost track of what I was looking for in the first place. Your blog is fantastic. From your wedding ideas to your determination to get those sunflowers growing, it's all inspiring. Kudos for doing such a great job. I do a similar blog for desert plants and you've given me some great ideas.

    All of your effort really shows. Well done. -Sheri in AZ

  31. Ugh. I feel your pain. My four-year-old is already talking about Halloween. Hang in there. This too shall pass!

  32. Aura -I've been wondering where Hunter is as well..

  33. Aura -- she's growing up so fast!! I love these photos. I think you'd both enjoy a kiddie pool! xoxo

  34. low 100? and I was complaining about the hot weather in my city. Loving these pictures thou and your beautiful baby girl is growing up.

    Plans for the wknd for me means getting all the necessary travel shots and start packing for my long trip to East Africa and Europe.

  35. Just stumbled upon your blog...everything about it is amazing! I truly love your videos. Sorry about your horribly hot summer...we just moved from Atlanta to Seattle so I know your pain and am truly loving the mildest summer I have ever experienced in my life.
    Thanks for my nightly inspiration.

  36. thank you Aura for all theese beautiful pictures of life.

  37. These photos are gorgeous. As are you, sweet friend :) I hope you're having a fantastic weekend, despite the heat.

  38. Elodie is so precious I can't stand it! I would never put her down. I'd just want to cuddle her all the time! I'm glad you two aren't wilting away in the heat. Hopefully we will get som relief soon!

  39. Anonymous- I already answered you about Hunter, the last time you asked. Please do not come here and repeat questions incessantly if you are not going to bother to read and see if I responded. If you ask again, I will just delete it.
    Hunter is staying with my Mother and Father in Law during the Summer. The one shade tree we had in the back was killed in our storm we had and it's not right to leave him outside in 100 + temperatures. They have a room edition on the back of their house where their other dogs stay, and he is staying cool there, for now, with his other friends. We are visiting him whenever we go to their house, and I can assure you whatever assumption you made about us getting rid of him is not the case, so please stop trying to stir things up.

    Urban Wife- Elodie's dress is from Baby Gap, but I'm not quite sure when it was there. I got her entire Spring/Summer wardrobe at a local consignment sale, and it was one of the dresses I picked up. The Gap's little baby clothes are my favorite :) It seems like most of her clothes are from there (or rather, the sale where I bought everything for $7 and under).

    Steffanie- The elephant blanket was a gift from my Sister, and it came along with 3 matching receiving blankets. She got them at Babies R Us, and you can find them here:

    I hope you all had a good weekend, friends. It seems like a lot of you are suffering from this heat, as well.
    We had out first date night away from Elodie, and we're taking it easy the rest of the weekend. Tomorrow are her 4 month vaccinations, and I'm dreading them!

  40. These pictures are great and your blog... is AMAZING! Loved it!!!

    I'll be coming back. You've just got a new reader :)


  41. Oh no we just had our 4 month vaccinations! It's so hard, hang in there!! Your sweet babe is just too cute!!!

  42. That last picture of Elodie is absolutely precious! Love those little lips :)

    Happy Sunday!

    Angie from Ohio

  43. Your photos are so beautiful. I really admire your talent.

  44. I am so excited for fall! It's incredibly hot here too... Little AuraJoon is just too cute! I love her hair :)

  45. pretty, pretty photos! look at elodies hair! it's getting longer and she's too cute. :)

  46. postpartum much? I've only asked about your dog once. Thanks for jumping all over me though. I won't be back to stir up anything.

  47. Hi Aura,

    I just tried to find your e-mail address to send you a private note, but couldn't seem to find one...I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your blog. It's the first one I jump to in my google reader, time and time again. Your photos and videos are so inspiring and beautiful and I love your overall outlook on life. Thank you for being you, and for creating such a lovely corner of the internet! ;)

  48. I'm sorry, Anonymous. It is a thousand degrees outside, the baby is cranky, and I am just all around irritable. I guess it is easy to assume every "anonymous" is the same person when there isn't a name attached. Because there was a "so" in front of your question, I thought it was a repeat of one I got in my last post.

    I was snippy and quick to assume, and I'm truly sorry. I like to think I'm not a hormonal postpartum mess, but maybe I need to look at that and reevaluate my reactions to things.

  49. such great pictures have such a lovely way of capturing beautiful moments. i always love checking into your blog and reading your posts :) blessings!

  50. Texas is uber hot too. Try to Keep cool!

  51. hi aura,

    i tried to find an email address for you but just wanted to say that it was so lovely to find your blog through the baby wearing documentary - you have a very special way of looking at the world and motherhood.

    anyway, just getting back in the swing of things from a trip abroad but didn't want to get to far away from the end of the styleathon to tell you that.

    happy four months to your beautiful elodie!

    with love,

  52. Little Miss Elodie is so beautiful! I feel your pain, it has been record highs here in Indiana too. Good luck and stay cool!

  53. HI Aura, you were so sweet to come and post your advice for me. Thank you! I have renewed hope in online services.

  54. Hi Aura,

    Your blog truly is a work of art. Your writing style is so unique and beautiful. Every post that I have read feels like an incredible chapter out of an amazing book.

    I have a random question... How did you and Michael meet? I know it's a personal question, so feel free not to answer it. I just couldn't help but ask though... after basically reading through every post you have written, I feel like I have read the end of a book but am still missing the first part.

    You have a beautiful family and are on an amazing journey in life.

    Truly inspirational.

  55. Anonymous- We met in school, in 2004. We were 21 :)
    Thanks for reading along.


I love your words, advice, stories, and support more than you know. Thank you, thank you, thank you for always adding a bit of light to my day when you leave little notes.
