Sunday, September 25, 2011

Jump Ship.

One time, my Mother told me that from the time she was a little girl, she always recognized fault in other people around her, and swore to change those wrongs in herself.

From an initial stand-point, the statement came across as cynical, and self-indulgent. I think sometimes my Mother can come across this way...a product of living half of her life in another country and coming here at almost 30 years old and learning a language that does not translate as clear and honest as Farsi.

The reality is, that all of us possess faults and wrong-doings, we are just not willing to admit to them. The real self-indulgence comes from a human being who can not admit that since we are indeed all humans, we all harbor the same abilities to be negative, jealous, insecure, angry, spiteful. They are our traits, and we are all composed of different degrees of these characteristics, mixed with a sweet balance of love and happiness, contentment, confidence, and empathy.

To see fault in others around us is to see fault in ourselves. I am beginning to understand that I can very quickly understand and point out what it is that I don't like in opposing behavior, only because I know I am capable of that behavior myself.
We see jealousy because we've felt it. We feel anger because we've lived it. And instead of being kind and dismissing these errors in the people around us, we hold them responsible for things we have done and said ourselves.

So. To see fault in other people and change that in ourselves does not seem to come across so superior when we understand that being the change we wish to see in the world is actually quite humble and selfless. Especially when approached with patience for those around us who have not quite come to these points of realization in themselves. We do not all think alike, and we all arrive at life's milestones at different paces, jumping from one stepping stone to the next and sometimes falling flat in the process.

The land of blogs and twitter and pinterest are places where some people spend hours searching for inspiration, direction, and a pretty picture of what they want their life to be. But they are also places of dishonesty, self-denial, and jealousy. There are so many voices out there, that sometimes it becomes difficult to hear your own over the loud hum of ten thousand photos telling you what you are supposed to wear and eat and think. An open invitation to compare yourself and fall short. It is overwhelming, and over the last few months I have had to question where my own voice was heading with this outside influence.

I began to see the things I did not like in other people, and in turn, I began to see those things in myself.
To keep an online blog is quite difficult. For ten+ years I have somehow taken part in some sort of social media. The livejournals, myspaces, facebooks, blogs, and pinterests. Every few years, usually when life changes in a different direction, it becomes almost unbearable to look at my past on display. As human beings, we all grow and change, do and say things we are not proud of, and hopefully learn and move on. When you put your life out there on the internet - it sits there and stares you in the face. The internet is written in ink, and if this were the journal I had permanently written - then I would have to say that maybe, my worst flaw as a human being is my absolute predictability to jump ship and disappear when life changes course.

Is that such a bad thing, to spread your wings and fly from an expected path? Or is the true blame within our societies obsession with sharing too much?
I still don't know the answer to that, but what I do know is, like many other times in my life where I have needed to step back and look at where I was going, my answers are quite clear from an objective stand-point.

Friends, I will tell you that life lived when not a single person is looking is quite different than this online world. Things move a lot slower, quieter, and more simply. Days are longer, we speak softer, and somehow all those lost minutes of the day come together to form an extra hour or two to focus on the things that really matter.

For some people, this is not the life they are looking for. It's okay, we are all different, headed down different paths. But for me, it feels almost liberating to know what it feels like to live like no one is looking.

This is me seeing fault in others, and myself. This is me changing.
For now, this is me jumping ship.


  1. Your words are beautiful and I wish you only the best on the path your life is headed.

  2. First, I see what your mother is saying... I saw and see things in people but, I learn from it.. My MIL was a very selfish, controlling person and I vowed never to be like that... I saw her effects on her sons and hubby... My mother too is selfish, arrogant, self righteous, and I again vowed not to be like her.. So, far, I haven't crossed that line.. I've taught my 3 to be honest, speak their minds w/tact.. To go for their goals no matter if it is not favored - after all we all are different and have different desires...
    If you feel the need to stop blogging, I can understand that... Life changes us... We are always learning and growing...You have probably gotten all that you have needed or wanted from blogging- good luck on your next episode...:-)

  3. Love reading your post. It always helped me see things differently. I am a bit bummed that we didn't get to peek at Elodie. Good luck in your travels of life.

  4. I'm going to miss you. :( But totally understand.

  5. Enjoy every minute of it. I will think of you often. I have loved visiting your blog over the years.
    Your friend, Val from KC MO

  6. I'll miss your beautiful words Aura. But most importantly, embrace the jump (off your ship). I too love living life like no one is looking! It's so much more fun, exhilerating, peaceful and real.

  7. I will miss reading your thoughts.

  8. I admire your honesty and wish you the best. Good Luck

  9. Wow, so you're leaving? That's a shame. Loved your blog posts and found your photos inspiring. All the best x

  10. i have struggled with this same feeling for so long too. but i found i do need somewhere to reflect, otherwise its harder to me to make memories cause im not actually forcing myself to question what i think or feel. i thought i was 'living' life more, rather than journaling - but life just kind of passed me by in a blur. i never cherished things the way i did when i wrote them down. so, ive decided to make journaling what i want it to be for me, and not for anyone else. i pretty much cut out all silly things like twitter, facebook, pininterest etc and just narrowed my focus. its important that what you do is actually a benefit to your life and if you find that the internet is taking too much time away from the important things thats fine, but remember you are an important thing as well... and taking time to reflect etc even if its in your own private notebook, can be very beneficial. good luck aura!

  11. I have thought about jumping the blog ship too. A few months ago I stopped being online as much. It feels so good. I felt like I was wasting too much time too. I still blog, but i blog for family that doesn't live close so they can see my daughter and our daily adventures. I love your blog. It is so inspirational and beautiful. You defiantly have a gift of wrighting. You are a great mommy too:) I feel like I blinked and my daughter is three now. Cherish every second! I am going to still keep you in my blog list. I hope you will update once in a while, even if it is just a beautiful picture here and there or a little paragraph. You will be missed! XO Kelly

  12. I missed your blog and will continue to miss your brilliant view of the world. Ever the optomist, I'm hoping you {and we all} discover a way to use social media to share something of what we feel and see with others without revealing too much of our private lives. But for now, enjoy this new chapter of your life!

  13. Will miss reading your posts, but wish you the best in all you do.

  14. It's been so wonderful reading along with you! Your words have had an incredible impact on my life :) If you ever move to the Boulder area let me know!!

  15. Aura, I have enjoyed reading about your adventures over the years - from traveling to gardening, art to motherhood.

    All I can hope for is that you continue to keep a private journal of your dreams & inspirations, as you did here for so many years... these are memories that you don't want to forget.

    I wish you and your family all the best, and good luck.

  16. Oh Aura, you will be missed.
    I will miss your honest and beautiful soul. You bring warmth to my heart and as much as I wish this wasn't your path (so selfishly, I must say) I completely understand and wish you and your little family only the best. I wish others were able to see themselves as openly as you do. This world would be a much happier, peaceful place.

    Sending Peace and Happiness your way!
    All the best,

  17. Oh I am going to miss your blog so much! Your words and the way you live life are so inspiring and because of you, I have a different perspective in my own life. Thank you so much for that and best of luck to you in the future.

  18. You will be missed. :)

  19. For some of us, expressing and sharing is vital in this lifetime, and I think it's a sign of higher development when we can move onto a new form of doing so.

    Best wishes to you in your explorations of new creativity and expression.

  20. Aura :( I will really miss your posts. Please know that you are truly inspiring and that I am so thankful to have found your blog and read your posts! I wish you the best on your journey. Can you leave the blog up so that we can read past posts or ( for a selfish reason) so I can draw inspiration from your gardening for my garden this spring? Please? Thank you again xo

  21. I will definitely going to miss reading your blog. I learn so much from you and you inspire me. I do understand and I wish you the very best. You are 100% right "all those lost minutes of the day come together to form an extra hour" I can truly relate to that point.

    **Cheers** to your new time, goals & venture.

  22. You're leaving? I'm sad, I'll admit that. I've enjoyed reading your blog because I don't leave feeling like my life doesn't match up or I need to wear this or that I've got to compete in the mom-petition. In the same respect, I understand. I pray you the best of life, a fabulous garden, and plenty of playtime with both your husband and darling little girl.

  23. Aura, you will be greatly missed.

    You brought a unique perspective to the world of blogging, and perhaps it is because of that perspective that blogging is no longer right for you.

    I will say that - whilst undoubtedly parts of this world are as you've described it - there are also many, many bloggers out there who rally against what you've described. Who freely post about their imperfect lives (messy houses, naughty kids, bouts of depression, all that normal stuff!), and - at the same time - celebrate the beauty in that imperfection. I think it's those blogs that add real value to this world (as yours did), and allow people to find support and develop relationships, all in knowing that imperfect is perfectly okay.

    But, as you say, we all have to do what's right for us - and that's exactly what you're doing now. I hope (as I do) that your loyal readers respect your decision and wish you all the best in your journey from here.

    Your insights will be remembered and treasured by many people, I am sure.

  24. Your words have always served as such pieces of inspiration for me. Gems of wisdom. Words flowing into poetry. And while I understand why you want to continue living your life offline, I'm certainly going to miss your word, your definite grasp of the English language.

  25. I'm 20 years old and I struggle so much with my life right now because of many decisions I've created. All that I've felt and am feeling, you summarized it to the dot. I agree with you. As a college student, my life is consumed by social media and I find myself at the end of the day thinking...where did my day go? Usually the answer is...behind a screen looking at other people's lives. Thank you, thank you, sooo much for your inspiring words. Now it's time for me to jump ship. I come to have learned so many things in life and many times I forget that I know them. Your posts are reminders to step back from all the pressures and just step outside and B R E A T H E. However, I am deeply saddened I won't see your inspiring posts. "There's more time than life," my mom would say and in a way it relates back to many of your posts. From my interpretation, I would say she means to enjoy life as if tomorrow were your last. Cliché huh? But many of us say it...but do we really mean it? Do we really live life as it tomorrow were our last? I'm sorry for writing this big comment, but your inspiration rubs off on me and makes me pose questions and make me reflect on my own life and the people around me. Once again, thank you so much for taking the time out your own life to inspire so many people of different backgrounds, genders, and ages. I'm a latina, female, daughter from Guatemalan parents. We come from different parts of the world and what is amazing about life is that we have love, happiness, and many other emotions in common that serve as a strong unity between all of us. I will really miss you. Good luck with everything that comes your way and much love and happiness for your family.

    peace & love,


  26. I'll miss your words, but understand your choice. I hope you make occasional returns. Love your slice of life.

  27. Very wise & thought provoking words. I love what you say about living life differently online than when no one is looking. Although I will miss your writings, I completely respect & understand your decision. Be blessed.

  28. aura, have a life full of ♥ and peace!

    thanks for the inspiration you brought into my life.

    dani - from portugal

  29. I saw your Grandfather riding his bike today. I wondered if he was heading to get his well water.
    I smiled and waved.
    Seeing him is like a character in a story coming to life.

  30. Aura, thank you for the honesty, for the beauty that you have shared in your posts. Thank you for allowing us on this journey with you. Your words will be missed; but, I wish you all the best- peace, love, friendship, health and happiness.

  31. Wait, so how am I supposed to internet stalk you now?


  32. Amen. And good luck to you Aura. Your words are so true and I am so glad you have found peace in your new path. xoxo

  33. i wish you all the best, aura.

    you will be greatly missed.

    as a fellow april mama, i very much enjoyed following along with your pregnancy and being inspired by your wonderful self-image and beautiful perspective on the world. you truly have had a positive impact on my own mothering and i can't thank you enough for that.

    peace & happiness to you and your lovely family :)

  34. There was a point in my life when I was broken, bruised and lost. I found your blog somehow--I don't even remember. You were a part of my reawakening. Leaving the relationship that I was no longer fully in, leaving the city where I no longer wanted to be, and coming back to myself. Your words were the apprehension, the honesty, the guidance that I needed to put myself back on track and go back to being the girl I'd grown up as. Your blog helped me grow in a capacity that I'd not ever thought I would reach.

    There is no way that I can adequately express how much you changed my life, and I thank you from the furthest reaches of my soul.

    I never met you and I hope that I do not come off as unjust in thinking that a stranger could be so influential in helping me find my way in the world, but I equate it with finding a book that changes your life, a quote that brings you peace, a film that challenges your way of thinking, a moment in history that brings you to tears. Someone who you have not met personally but whose example makes you strive to be a better person. You are truly someone very special who created something that can move an audience, in a digital and untraditional medium, yes, but it is as meaningful and thorough as a print autobiography written by a kind soul.

    Again, thank you. A thousand times, thank you. I am responsible for becoming the woman I am today, but the guidance that your beautiful blog offered me is a part of what laid the foundation of me finding my way back home. I wish you the best of luck with your business, and I hope that the world continues to treat you and your family kindly.

    I hope you always feel the calm in your heart or come back to it swiftly, and I hope that you might smile at knowing you helped an Arkansan girl find hers,

    Stephanie J. Williams

  35. You will be missed, beautiful mama. Do great things and enjoy life to the fullest, no matter what path you take.

  36. We'll miss you but we understand. Take care of yourself and your family!

  37. I started a blog when my daughter was born ..and cancelled the blog a month later because I didn't like looking at my life through the computer screen .

    I understand but will greatly miss your blog. Good luck with life's adventures ...and know that you have a way with your art and words that can truly inspire people. That is a true gift that most of us could only dream of having.

    Our daughters were born a day apart and life has certainty seem to speed up since her birth. Enjoy the moments while they happen because before you know it ...they have passed.

    God bless

  38. Aura,
    My goodness, what a bittersweet post. Your blog has been such a beautiful, raw, inspirational nook in the chaos of the online world. I find myself browsing through old posts on here, and just in awe of the beauty of a real life simply lived and lived well. I totally understand the need to step back from feeling of constantly being "seen". I just want you to know that you have touched my life in such an amazing way. Even though we've never met, I feel like I'm visiting a longtime friend when I come here.

    I hope all the joy and happiness of life finds you in everything you do. I send you blessings and love.

    Thank you for allowing us a look into your special little corner of the world.

    You will be missed :).

  39. Ms. A, Motherhood has such a powerful profound pull that I can see why you have chosen to jump ship and immerse yourself in it...It's worth it!!! enjoy this cycle and I hope one day to read your beautiful journal once again somewhere, somehow...Much luck, many blessings and peace always.

  40. i wish you the best of luck and all the happiness in the world. know that your writing and beautiful photos will be missed.

  41. I have loved your beauty and grace in which you strive to live your life. You words touch me and I will miss them. May you have countless blessings as you continue on your journey with your family. Thank you.

  42. Best of luck Aura, I have loved reading your blog. You come across as an authentic person in the on-line world. I don't think you should view 'jumping ship' when in the midst of a metamorphosis
    as a personality weakness however. My life has been filled with momentous and sometimes very hard to bear changes during the last 5 years and I have definitely sought refuge in a simpler (and very very offline and even out of sight) life, choosing instinctively to only hang out and be in contact with people who know and love me very well. Sometimes our lives need pruning. Perhaps this is what is going on naturally at this time for you? Then the blossoms will grow even more profusely again next spring... Maybe what I'm saying doesn't make sense for you and I'm only reading what I want to hear. Either way, I wish you well. You live profoundly, your life experience is thus profound. Thanks for sharing.

  43. Aura,
    You were the very FIRST blogger I ever started reading and grasping to. Your photos, words, view just made me feel a little bit better, like most here. I stumbled upon your blog at an extremely rough patch in life and I hope so much this doesn't weird you out, but reading your blog helped me oh so much.
    I'm saddened to read you're jumping ship, but I also understand. Thank you for helping me and probably many others. Best wishes!!!


  44. I cannot say I'm happy as all of these people wishing you the best. I am happy for you of course, but being imperfect, I am sad, upset, hurt and feel all around depressed that you are leaving. You made my life (pathetic as it sounds) better. I have no life, I am stuck here.. (I do not want to get into my situation too much) but .. all I really have is the computer, I don't have a choice like everyone else.(or perhaps I do). - this is my life. and you are leaving everyone who loves you. I am depressed now. I am hurt. I guess I will take up knitting. <3 bless you forever. I will miss you.. you got me though more than you know.. work, hospital.. - suffering. Good bye little bird. Thank you for everything.

  45. Enjoy the fullness of your life, online, offline, wherever, however--things change and it is up to us to either resist or embrace it.
    Blessings on your journey, and many thanks for sharing so much of your world with us. You have a beautiful heart, sweet Aura.

  46. Your words were full of honesty and beauty and your photos were so inspiring. I must admit that I am sad and will miss your posts, but I completely understand and wish all the happiness to you and your cute little family.

  47. Aura,

    I understand and support your decision but am also genuinely saddened by it. Your blog distinguished itself to me as unique in the world of lifeblogging by the graceful way you managed to translate the personal into the universal, the way you were at once inspirational and down-to-earth relatable. Unlike too many bloggers, you've always conducted yourself with class and discretion. I never once felt you were oversharing with your audience, exploiting others, or trying to create a false image of perfection to serve some deeper need of your ego. It was refreshing. Few could fill the void you're now leaving, and I'd wish you'd stay on as an example for newer bloggers to emulate.

    In the look-at-me 24/7 cyber-age it's easy to feel overwhelmed and overexposed. The desire to disconnect and retreat to a quieter way of life is natural. Just know that what you created here should not be something to look back on in shame (at least as viewed through this woman's eyes).

    Best wishes to you and your family. You will be missed.

  48. fablulous. do what you gotta do girl. i'll be bummed to not see your pretty pictures and read your words of perspective. but i'll know you're out there living the way you want to, and that's worth it.

  49. Good for you. You and your beautiful words and pictures will be sorely missed, but you're doing the right thing. Good luck to you and yours, Aura.

  50. Oh, I will miss this blog very much!
    But I do understand the reasons why you are leaving.

    I hope all the best for you and Michael, with little Elodie.

    C'est la vie, enjoy darling :)

  51. I admire you I'm at the same point right now with my blog you are right

  52. So sad to hear that you are going. Your posts have been so inspirational over the last couple of years I have been reading them. Your beautiful photos have inspired me get to grips with my dslr to record my family's memories and all the little details. Hope that you come back one day! Best wishes to you and your lovely family.


  53. Wishing you a beautiful journey ahead- for you, beautiful Elodie, and your husband.

    I'll miss you online!

  54. Was excited to see a post from you, now feeling a bit bummed that it is the last. I totally understand where you're coming from, but, like everyone else, feel sad that I don't have your blog to look forward to anymore.

    All the best.

  55. This is sad :(
    I wish you all the best but I hope you will come one day in the future!

    I love your photos and your point of view :) I like photography too and I share with you some of your passions (travel, nature, camping) :)
    I was one of your follower, directly from Italy and I will continue to visit your blog and enjoy the photos of your past) :)

  56. in many ways, becoming a mom made me jump ship from my old life.

    I agree with you about all the jealousy, self-doubt and negative feelings that can arise when you stumble around the blogs too long... feeling like, these are the things you are not.

    Your blog is different from the others and that is why I and others will miss it. You should know that. It was like reading a a peaceful story. You told it so beautifully.

    It is quite a gift to bring out the positive in other people and inspire them instead of the adverse. That is something you do. I hope you continue to come here.

  57. Although I am sad to see you go, I have so much respect for your decision and wish I had the courage to break my own habit of social networking and thinking ''this would be a great blog post!" after something great or interesting happens in my life. Maybe I will get there someday!

    I have really enjoyed reading your blog over the years and will genuinly miss your insight and gift of both writing and photography. You will certainly be missed!

    xx, Kara

  58. your writing never fails to inspire me. You and your family are gorgeous. I love looking at the old photographs you put up.

  59. You wrote this so well. I am blessed by your words - they resonate truth. Thank you for sharing.

    Rebecca @ iridescentindigo

  60. I hope that someday, maybe soon, you seriously consider writing a book. You have a valuable voice and it translates so beautifully to the written word. Even if you are not putting down thoughts here digitally, I hope that you continue to write somewhere, on paper, maybe not, private, maybe not. Just write. Keep writing. I have a feeling that one day your voice will be heard very loud and clear. Just keep writing.

  61. thank you so much for sharing so much of your beautiful life and for your amazing words as you leave this space behind. wishing you all the best for you and your family.

  62. Just sent you another comment then realized you are not going to be doing this anymore. Understandable. Still love the things I found on your blog. :)

  63. well put aura.
    i understand your decision to "jump ship" especially now that you have a child. enjoy that time, embrace those extra moments and know you are making a wise decision. i battle with that decision everyday.

  64. Well, shoot. I can't believe we've been Internet friends for over 10 years! So wild. I will miss your voice, for sure. I've started to think of you as the antithesis of the oppressive blogosphere humming, and it's been much appreciated - a relief!

    But I get it. I strongly believe in editing our lives to rid negativity and make room for more good feelings. I often have to reexamine how I spend my time and who I spend it with. For me, it sometimes means ending friendships, quitting bad habits, or in the case of the Internet, editing my blog list or culling my list of facebook "friends." If it makes me feel bad or doesn't enrich my life in any way, I don't have room for it. Everyone needs these regular moments of introspection and self awareness. We all have the power to control our attitudes and outlooks on life, and I think anything that helps us stay positive ultimately leads to good health and happiness.

    If you would like to stay in touch, you know where to find me, or my email address is Take care, my dear. Much love to you!

  65. You are always my absolute favorite blog. When my reader has 30+ unread posts, I scan for one from you. You and your inspiring, gorgeous corner of the word will be missed on the web, but your decision 100% understood and, of course, respected. Best wishes for your beautiful family.

  66. Good luck to you and your family. I will miss your inspirational words and photos, but only you know what is right for your family. Peace.


  67. Dear Aura.
    I was so happy to see a new post on your blog but then it was about you leaving.
    Just so you know, you are my favorite blogger, you're the first blog I had ever bookmarked, and you inspire me so much. I'm Di, from Indonesia, only 19, and I often think that a few years from now I'll be able to take photos as beautifully as you do. I adore you even more when I read your idea on 'art not ads' and not putting advertisement on your famous blog. So maybe that's why I feel a bit numb right now.. I can still hope that you'll come back with your beautiful words and thoughts since you say that you jump this ship 'for now', right?
    And even though I'm so sad about you leaving, I totally, totally respect your reason and I do agree with the points you wrote above. I hope only the best for you. And let me say thank you for the beautiful words, photos, and poins of view. I miss them already. You'll be greatly missed, Aura.


  68. Hi Aura,
    I have read your blog for about a year now. I was not a blog reader at all. Too much information to read. However, there is a saying in teaching that I applied to reading your blog. The saying is "Bag, borrow, and steal." As a teacher that is what we do. We see something that another teacher is doing and we steal it and put our own twist on it. I started a garden, took more pictures (which I loved before, but stopped doing), and embraced my love of yurts after reading your stories.
    When I was younger I had issues finding myself. I let others mold the way I looked and felt, and it continued into adulthood. Your blog made me embrace who I am because I see so much of myself in you that I forgot existed somewhere in me. I have two children and with that said I gave up that search to help them realize who they are from an early age and to embrace it.
    Thank you for taking the time to share your wisdom with the world. I tried blogging just for family that lived far away, and it was too time consuming for me and my family so I completely understand jumping ship. Enjoy your little one and your journey with your family.

    P.S. You should be writing books.

  69. I'll miss trying to decipher your loaded posted.

  70. i will miss reading your words and seeing your photos! i wish you and your lovely family all the happiness in the world! thank you for sharing your life with us, out here in internet-land (:

  71. I applaud your decision and wish you much happiness and long, productive, peaceful days with no one watching but the ones you love.

  72. Aura, I just wanted to say that if this is in fact the end of your journey in blogging, I wish you luck in whatever life brings you to next. Raising Elodie will be its own little adventure! But I will miss your beautiful words and images and honesty. You were actually my inspiration to start a blog of my own, so it's a bit sad for me to see you go. Wishing you lots of luck in your future endeavors!

  73. Although I love your contribution to the online world I can totally understand where you are coming from. I have gone back and forth on my blogging style and I'm back to keeping things personal and capturing life through words and photographs. I wish you and your family all the best behind the scenes. I only wish we could keep in touch someway, from one young mother to another.


  74. Hello Aura, I have been reading your blog for about 1,5 years. I am have not commented frequently, but after reading this post I wanted to let you know that your blog is by far the most inspiring blog I have stumbled on in the blogosphere. You are very good with words and your pictures are beautiful.

    Just like many others have said above, I will miss your posts, they have always made me feel very peaceful. Thank you so much for sharing so many things about your life and perspective with us. All the best to you and your family.

  75. Aura,
    Thank you for sharing a glimps of your beautiful, rich world. I wish you the best! Little E is just a true blessing!

  76. You will be missed! Good luck, and enjoy every minute life gives you!

    Lots of Love,

  77. Aura, You were an inspiration to so many. Such a lovely woman with beauty spoken in every word. Hope your life stays full and happy with so many glorious things waiting to be explored with Baby E. You so deserve the privacy you crave but you will be missed.

  78. I will miss you, you inspired me so much and gave me a lot of energy to live my life in a better way.You are special, so so special :-)
    I love this blog, and your pictures, and your artistic side!
    I will ( we all will) miss you very much..I still hope you will write soon :-)
    hugs from Italy,Daniela

  79. Thank you for the time and words you have given me - you inspired me to do my own blog, but the way you remain centred also inspired me to stop mine some time ago, in a real sense. Your appreciation for the beauty in the world around you has been a wonderful and inspiring thing to read, and I will miss reading it, but I look forward in a sense to not watching and to not being watched too. All the best for your life and your family, you are beautiful inside out. from, Heather.

  80. A, I never took many chances to talk with you on your blog. From the early days I discovered you on the Knot, to your vacations, gardening, and now, your posts that give me the courage to say "some day, I can be a mother". I simply read, laughed and cried. I took notes, I googled things you talked about or suggested. I planned trips to some of the places you had been, because as a natural-born Okie, I love seeing what other Okies find in our great state. I felt a kinship to you, as many others did. You are my sister, my friend, my neighbor. Thank you for the time you gave us; and thank you for the time we will give ourselves as we peel away from the monitor and look to the horizon. Peace, L.

  81. A lady always knows when to leave. And you, Aura, are a true lady. Thanks for sharing and best of luck to you and your wonderful family!

  82. i will miss your writings and beautiful photos, but i understand. do what feel best for your soul.


  83. You are truly my hero...great post...let us all live quietly today.

  84. I'm only 16, but since the day I found your blog this past spring, it has continued to inspire me. Your words are so beautiful and truly inspire me to be a better, more cultured person. I loved reading about your adventures, even before little Elodie, your greatest adventure, came along. You are a beautiful person inside and out and you truly make the world a better place. Everyone who has kept up with your blog will be better people because of you. I wish you and your little family the best in life. Maybe I should jump ship from a few things, too. Love always.
    xoxox, Kindra.

  85. beautifully expressed, online relationship can be overwhelming sometime. I agree as well about seeing in others what we hate or love about ourselves. Its best to be accountable to yourself and recognize all the biases and improvement we need to make about ourselves before pointing a finger @ others.

  86. forgot to say, I'll miss your beautiful pictures and deep outlook about life and love. Hopefully you'll return when the time is right for you.

  87. I am truly saddened at the prospect of not seeing your wonderful photographs and reading your brilliantly written words. But this is your life and the only one you will ever get. Enjoy your beautiful world with your family and know you have touched many many people with your perspective on life. All the best.

  88. Well, I hope if things change I manage to find you on the inter-web again. It's been wonderful to "know you" as one can know someone via writings on the internet. I've been reading your words since before Michael and I've enjoyed every word.

    Take care. Enjoy Elodie. Have more babies and enjoy life.

    Just know I'll still be checking back in here because every time you do jump ship, you climb aboard a few more times before you truly say good bye.

  89. The land of blogs and twitter and pinterest are places where some people spend hours searching for inspiration, direction, and a pretty picture of what they want their life to be. But they are also places of dishonesty, self-denial, and jealousy. There are so many voices out there, that sometimes it becomes difficult to hear your own over the loud hum of ten thousand photos telling you what you are supposed to wear and eat and think. An open invitation to compare yourself and fall short. It is overwhelming, and over the last few months I have had to question where my own voice was heading with this outside influence.

    You said this perfectly. What beautiful insight you have on life Aura. I love love love reading your posts and even though I'm sad to see you go, I know it is the right thing for you to do.

    Elodie is one lucky little girl to have you as a mother.

    Have a wonderful life, Aura.

  90. I really wish you wouldn't leave as I enjoy reading your powerful thoughts, but It's a great example for all of us- including me. We spend great amount of time submerged in these social networks it is overwhelming. There's a life out there passing by with no mercy of out acts, we might as well catch a grasp of that.
    Thank you Aura, this post was really touching and life-changing, because although you're leaving us -your reader- with a beautiful life lesson.
    Take care in your journey, beautiful. take care of your family and loved ones. Tons of energy for you.

    ps:; this is a selfish request but, would you mind not deleting your blog? I'd love to come back and read, there's something about your words that makes me feel warm and fuzzy when i'm down!

  91. I will miss you!

    Good luck.

    Katerina FF

  92. "Friends, I will tell you that life lived when not a single person is looking is quite different than this online world. Things move a lot slower, quieter, and more simply. Days are longer, we speak softer, and somehow all those lost minutes of the day come together to form an extra hour or two to focus on the things that really matter."

    I love this post. I have had similar feelings lately. I recently deactivated my facebook account as looking at the newsfeed with all of its updates on things I didn't feel the need to know started to overwhelm me. It's been nice. I am on the computer much less often now, and also find that life seems to move at a slower and more manageable pace. I have more time for things that I love :). Love your insightful posts.

  93. Hi Aura, I only found your blog recently from Dear Baby, and I wish I would have been following along through it's entirety.
    It is only a matter of time that this "internet" thing, reveals all you have said. We will realize, that our life was wasted, spending endless hours coveting, sharing our pretend lives with others.
    I have a blog too. I have readers who I feel pressured to write for, because if I leave, they ask me why I don't write anymore.
    It's awful. But I think you have inspired me. I think it's time to jump ship.
    Cheers to you and yours. Your soul shines through your words and pictures, and I pray for many blessings to you.


  94. Your blog has insipired me in many ways and just like all the ladies here, I am sad to see you go but delighted that you're leaving. Life shouldnt be about this virtual world, life is about embracing every moment with that ADORABLE little creature and AWESOME husband. Feeling the last of the sun rays hitting your skin as you continue to grow your garden(both literal and metephorical) So Aura we know its not a goodbye forever but more "Ill see you later" Thank you again for allowing us to have a glimpse into your world :)
    A mountain of peace and love,

  95. Hi Aura. I will sincerely miss this blog, I just barely discovered it this weekend, and as I looked through your posts, I found something that I don't see on a lot of blogs, something different. I'll miss it.

    I totally respect your decision, and it inspired me too- maybe, like others in the comment section have said, I need to jump ship on a few things too.

    I love what you said about living life like no one's looking. God bless, we'll all miss you, Aura!

  96. Your words are so beautiful. I often struggle with whether or not I should continue blogging because I know after searching and peaking into others' lives, I always feel a bit of emptiness. Like I'm not truly "living". I wonder if everyone else's world is prettier and brighter than mine. Wondering why some people read my blog and why others don't. Sometimes those thoughts are so exhausting-- I have to take a step back. I'd be lying if I said I am no longer struggling with this... But it's posts like this that help me keep things in perspective and realize that my life though it may be different is perfect, perfectly mine.

  97. Awww. Bums. :( I will miss reading your inspiring, magical words. Your blog was so different from many I have come across... you write to inspire others by showing glimpses of your life, not just to say, "look at me and my cool life." If you ever want to post a link to the historical ruminations, like an old livejournal persay (I had one too!), there are many of us who would probably love to read the words of a young aurajoon. Thank you for every word you wrote and every picture you posted and above all, for being selfless with your blog. Cheers and best wishes!

  98. I'll miss your beautiful writings and pictures. I'll continue to follow your blog in hopes you'll make your way back sometime in the future.

  99. I always love reading what you have to say and I like your pictures. Sorry to see you go! I'll miss seeing you in my feed reader.

  100. as always~ even your last post is inspirational. i love how you challenge us to think outside the box. to question. and not be afraid of jumping ship, and seeing if maybe.. just maybe, we might discover wings we never knew we had!

    blessings in your journey, my friend~

  101. You will be missed. Much love and blessings to you and your family. xx

  102. OK, I'm back to try to persuade you to stay in some small way. That's just how much I'll miss this blog. Couldn't you simply reduce your blog presence rather than resign it entirely? Say, pop in every few months to share the highlights of a particular season? Your pictures express so much, you wouldn't even have to write a single word (and I won't be greedy and expect pics of your adorable little one). Maybe let your camera speak while you enjoy the silence? How about it: 4 posts a year! Reasonable compromise?

    Ah, well, it was worth a shot.

  103. Aura-

    Thank you for sharing such lovely, light-filled posts. Enjoy your time away :)

  104. I will miss your blog. I share many of the beliefs you do, but you're so much better with words. You're truly an inspiration.

  105. Hi Aura. I tried to post earlier but I'm not sure if it worked, so here I am again. I started reading your blog in 2002 when you were on livejournal and I want to thank you for sharing your writing over the years. You have a talent for touching people, being authentic and encouraging others to see the beauty in life. I wish you and your family all the best in your journey.

  106. Well shoot. I just found your blog a few months ago. VERY few make me go back and read page after page but yours did.
    I hope that you change your mind.

  107. Thank you for your words.

    Good luck in the future!


  108. Us as humans we definitely need to keep things in perspective, need to, like the seasons change and evolve. I'm happy that you're doing what you need to do for your life "in the now". What an influence and difference you've made with just being you. You'll be missed, friend. Julie xo

  109. I'm so sad to see you go! But, I can completely understand how hard it must be to share so much of yourself on your blog. I wish you and your family great happiness in the future!

  110. Aura joon- I have so much respect for this perspective. I wish I lived close to you because I would love to be your friend, haha!

    Kareh khoobi dari mikoni :)


  111. Beautiful Aura,

    I have found and kept a few blogs worth reading. Yours was always like a good book which inspired and encouraged me. It brought me peace and focus and a desire to be better.

    You definitely have a gift for writing. I hope you continue to do so in some form, or at least come back to it when you find a quiet time in your life.

    Always remember how much you have blessed other people by this blog. For that is truly quite a remarkable thing and one of which not many people can say they have done.

    Best of luck. -s

  112. Oh, how I have been waiting for an update!

    I do understand what you are saying. I started a "real" blog in December of last year and wrote until July when I mistakenly deleted it. {And Blogger/Google is the devil because it has been two months so far of me trying to restore it.}

    But even though I was never a professional blogger or one with a large following, there was a sense of relief that came from not having that on my plate anymore.

    The thing about YOU not blogging is already how much I have learned because you inspired me and I will that in the future. I am sure I have commented before, but I truly have learned to get off the internet and actually enjoy life. That spending moments with my husband and son are truly better than writing about them in a status update. Even things like eating healthier and skin care products, lol.

    I, nor anyone else, can convince you to do something you do not want to do. But I will still keep clicking on your blog every so often, hoping for an update. I have read you since the LJ days and now seeing sweet Elodie has been great. I do hope you will pop in from time to time.

    Be well,

  113. Dearest Aura,

    Your voice, as it comes through in your musing about life and your photographs, was one of such substance and depth among all of the fluff, dishonesty, and very things you speak of that make your decision to "jump ship". I am saddened that it seems the ones worth keeping seem to be the ones retreating becuase of what the vast wolrd of techonolgy and oversharing has become. I feel that same nagging feeling of meloncholy, bittersweet, longing as when I finish a very good book; I absolutely dispise that it has to come to an end and yet am satisfied, hopeful, optimistic, and feel joy for the ending itself. I wish absolutely nothing but the best to you and your family. You are an amazing person. As others have said I hope you may continue to write and take photographs if nothing else but to create a private world for Elodie so she may know her Mother's gifts. As children I think we often overlook the talents of our parents until later in life when perhaps for some it is too late. Yours is a tale worth telling as you speak with such honesty from a place of utter clarity, it's refreshing. All the best. You will be sorely missed. I hope you will leave your blog entact for those of us who love to re-read favorite stories. I am sure I will look to your beautiful words in past posts from time to time.

    Nothing but love,

  114. I've enjoyed your blog and I understand why you want to jump ship. I hoe that you will leave it open for others to read your past posts, ad they are very insightful and genuine. Also, I hope you will leave them up because I will need your advice again for my spring garden next year! Much love and luck to you and your family.

  115. I have been reading blogs for about two years now and although I have found many good ideas and inspiration I have come to the conclusion that they may do more harm than good for a woman's self esteem. Just like magazine's for women, most blogs I have come across seem to only show a slanted angle on reality. I have found myself comparing my life to others, feeling like I don't measure up in some way to a projected image of success, and in some ways really believing if I just work hard enough my life can be as "perfect" as the girl in the blog. Some of the most successful blogs I have seen are simply because of good photography capturing something that seems perfect...just like a magazine. I have a lot of respect for you for walking away. Lately blogs seem like a bunch of popular high school cheerleaders competing and as much as I think blogs are great forums for communication they are just perpetuating an image that most women cannot and should not have to feel like they need to meet. Everyone seems to be searching these days and somehow I do not think the answer is in fervently following other people's blogs. Good luck to you and all your future dreams.

  116. Hi Aura! I just found your blog not too long ago and I truly hated blogs before it for all the reasons you mentioned. But when I came across yours, I was blown away. I know you hear this all the time, but you're words are so beautiful. My husband is the writer in our family, not me unfortunately. But I wanted to tell you how you inspired me in so many ways. I picked up my camera, started a blog and crafting which started with your spray paint bottles. (I used Snapple bottles that we actually used in our wedding and they were adorable!) But it was truly so nice to find someone in blog-land that just lives and loves life with her loved ones, close to nature and each other. We're thinking about starting a family soon and as scared as I am, I found comfort in your posts about parenting. I understand why you have to jump ship, but just know you will be sorely missed and we will be here if you decide to come back one day. Thank you for everything.


  117. Aura, thank you so much for your words. In the short time I have been following you, I have found so much inspiration in your words, your life, your philosophy. This post has really hit home as I seem to spend my whole day online and nothing else. I wish you the best of luck and pray for you and your family's happiness. Please do not delete your blog, it will continue to inspire people even without your maintenance. Thank you, God bless.

  118. I haven't been visiting long but I have always enjoyed my visits! Your photos are beautfiful, your baby is gorgeous, you are one special mama! I feel a bit sad to see you go but I know how it feels to always be moving on and can understand ...... all the very best to you and your loved ones. And may you find all the magic that real life has to offer .... x x x

  119. Aura Joon,
    I have admired and been inspired by your insights. Thank you for sharing. It is a generous thing to do. But you are right, the world is out there, not in here!
    All the best,

  120. I am sad for my own selfish reasons that you are jumping ship -- I do hope you will leave your blog up though -- it is a truly inspirational work of art. Best wishes to you...

  121. Aura,
    You have always been my number one blog to visit and feel like home! I've loved every minute of reading all your post over the last many years, and seeing life through your pictures! You are an amazing person, mother and your talents are a gift from God. I know you will have a beautiful life ahead of you, and I hope that later in life we can all reconnect and see where it has taken you and your family! We love you, and wish you the best! Sad to see you go, but I do understand! Many people have found inspiration from your blogging, and sometimes that can be a wonderful thing, as long as they don't loose themselves. For many of us, I believe you where just that! For me,I felt like you where an amazing friend! Take care, love sent your way!

  122. Sad! I'm going to miss your stories and pictures... your blog has definitely been a favorite! I've learned so much from pouring over your photos here, you have a great eye and are so very talented.

    Wishing you all the best with you and your family.

  123. This comment has been removed by the author.

  124. Aura,
    I wish I could hug you and say thank you for everything. You're such a beautiful person inside and out. I will really dearly miss you. You've inspired me to go for what my heart desires. My life has become so much more simpler in so ways that I can't even describe. Even though I am happy for you, I am truly sad that you're leaving. I really hope you fill this world with your beautiful words somehow all over again. All the very best for the new chapter in life.


  125. Like so many other things in life, blogs are best in moderation.

  126. Gosh i will miss your beautiful pictures. and reading about your life. you are so lucky and blessed you have it all. i can see why you have no need to post about your life here anymore. cause you have it all at home. the internet can be so lame at times. too many nosy and judgmental people on here anyway. but you were one of the best blogs on the net that i ever read. take care my beautiful internet friend.

  127. You have been such an inspiration to me! I can completely relate to wanting to slow things down a bit. When I found out I was going to be a mother my life changed. Big time and I haven't looked back. When I saw your pictures of you and Elodie in the first weeks was special. I felt like we would be the lucky ones if you continued to show the world your soul. I knew that with your love for Elodie and the time in each day being so precious that there would never be a choice to make between her and the world. I wish you nothing but the VERY best. I admire you in so many ways. You are beautiful inside and out and your daughter shines because of the light that you have given her. Thank you. Kelly

  128. I missed this post. It was on M's birthday, and really, I rarely get a chance to read blogs anymore. Enjoy your air, Aura.


  129. I totally feel ya! I've enjoyed reading your poetic posts and sharing in your beautiful pictures. You really are a gifted writer (and photographer). Best of luck to you!

  130. Dear Aura, I found your blog a few months ago and I know I will miss it so much.
    Good luck in all, your blog will always remain in my heart as an example of life and love. Thanks for the nice words and I wish you the best! I miss you friend!


  131. Love this post. It really is amazing how self-conscious the internet can make even the most confident people feel. I think it's brave to make the decision to jump ship and keep away from self-comparison. I wish you nothing but luck in whatever it is you do when the world isn't watching!

  132. Oh, no! I've found you too late in the game...

    ... you seem to have an amazing sense of awareness so I'm sure you're doing the right thing.

    This is such a beautiful, raw post and it makes me want to go digging around in your archives...

    Best wishes x

  133. I'm reading through your archives, because I missed your words.

    Is that silly?

    The life you live is so natural and free, I envy it.

    Ah, I wish you could come back..because I need your inspiration.

    The world you live is so lovely, I only wish we could all be apart of it.

  134. Aura-
    I have been reading your blog for a while now, and have come to truly love its freshness and spirit, that reflects your beautiful nature and heart. I too, have been really searching and questioning my 'online life' and holding it in contrast to my 'life' and wondering which one I am selling short.

    You exude a purity that is a rare gem in this world anymore. Your words will truly be missed but I have no doubt you will go on to do more of what you are purposed here to do in this life. Bless you and your precious family.

  135. Good luck! We all realizes one day what is most important for us. I'm impressed of your blog!

  136. Aura,
    reading this post was hard for me. I'm being dramatic, of course, but I have followed your life for so long that not having your words to read anymore is a bit like losing a friend. I remember reading your posts when you were a teenager, with short hair and a love of Glassjaw and a job at a fabric store and everything since then. it's just...weird to not have a place to watch you grow and change but I completely understand it. I deleted my facebook last month and haven't regretted it for a second. there's something so freeing about ignoring the internet and living the real life in front of you. thank you for sharing yourself for years: for all the lessons, for all the beauty, for just being you. I wish you & your family the best. always. xo. -Christine

  137. I will really miss you...

  138. Aura,
    I’m not sure how I found your blog, but was instantly drawn by your photos, prose and art. I have enjoyed reading your posts, your zest for life is readily apparent. You have shared your life with the world and I understand going offline. Best to you and your family in your journeys – thanks.

  139. I understand the concept of jumping ship. I hope that one day you will think of Aurajoon as a safe harbor again and sail back into all of our lives.


  140. hey aura-j, i am so glad you are following your heart and doing what feels best for you.

    this time with your first born is too precious. enjoy it!

    like othres have expressed, i would love to see whether you feel to channel your creative writing talents into a book. may i share that i have especially enjoyed learning of your family's culture - especially around food and relationships and values.

    i would love to read about your experience as a persian girl in the midwest - or your family's story!

    XXX all blessings to you


  141. Wish we were friends in real life. Maybe our paths will cross again sometime. Best wishes.

  142. Aura -- I identify so much with this post. Thank you for your honesty. I'm going to miss you, but I do wish you the best of luck! :)

  143. You will be greatly missed. But, go! Go converse, rest, grow, love, learn. Keep taking photos, and writing words, even if they're for your eyes only. I hope to see your name on a book cover one day. Best of luck, my friend, and a thousand wishes for a light filled life.

  144. I know how you feel about this world telling you who to be, how to dress, how to decorate, what to eat. It is exhausting.
    I have gone on a fashion fast because of it and I am wearing only a white t-shirt and pants or a skirt for a year. I put too much stock in what I wear and what other people wear and it has gotten out of hand. I hope to discover some things with it.
    I wish you well on your journey. We all have our own lessons to learn. What works for me won't work for others. I am glad I finally really believe and practice that in my life.
    Good luck to you.

  145. I understand what you're saying. I think that it is possible to find sources everywhere to feed our envy monster- internet, tv, or just being out in public looking at someone who may be dressed a little better, seem a little more well off, or appear a little happier than you on any given day. How we learn deal with the quieting the doubt or insecurity we may feel from glimpses into others lives is personal. If you need to jump ship, than that is what you should do.

  146. beautiful words and beautiful pictures my dear.


  147. Beautifully written. I don't blame you at all. I started my blog not too long ago and don't really share much of my life on it for fear that I will share too much. I don't have many followers though so that makes things a little easier. It is so easy to get caught up in the online life and forget your own. Many many many hours have been wasted online while family is neglected. I see this as potential in my life and this is why I too have thought about leaving the blogosphere... it's not easy though haha.

  148. I know what you mean, of course. But publishing anything, anywhere is quite similar. So every time I think I need to jump ship, I realize that, uh oh, I publish in hard copy mostly.

    I have made my posts much less personal than most people who do ask for more in rather cheeky emails. Some days I feel like I'm teaching boundaries to others & that's not always easy. It has been helpful to me, though, to learn where my boundaries are & whether or not I like markers I've established.

    You will be missed.

  149. Aw, Aura. I missed this post as I haven't had a lot of time on the internet lately.

    I will miss your lovely words and images on your blog. I've loved to read your words since back in the livejournal days and am glad I have been blessed to be an internet "friend" for all of these years. I totally understand the need to take a break. Good luck.

  150. Oh Aura
    I am so going to miss all your beautiful pics and words of wisdom. I wish you all the best as you experience the joys of motherhood with Elodie and the beauty of family. I just hope that this isn't the last we hear of you, in some way or another. You've inspired us all especially by opening a window into your culture, your life, your creativity. Good luck

  151. I heard about a book that you might like!

    Maman's Homesick Pie: A Persian Heart in an American Kitchen

    For Donia Bijan 's family, food has been the language they use to tell their stories and to communicate their love. In 1978, when the Islamic revolution in Iran threatened their safety, they fled to California 's Bay Area, where the familiar flavors of Bijan 's mother 's cooking formed a bridge to the life they left behind. Now, through the prism of food, award-winning chef Donia Bijan unwinds her own story, finding that at the heart of it all is her mother, whose love and support enabled Bijan to realize her dreams.
    From the Persian world of her youth to the American life she embraced as a teenager to her years at Le Cordon Bleu in Paris (studying under the infamous Madame Brassart) to apprenticeships in France 's three-star kitchens and finally back to San Francisco, where she opened her own celebrated bistro, Bijan evokes a vibrant kaleidoscope of cultures and cuisines. And she shares thirty inspired recipes from her childhood (Saffron Yogurt Rice with Chicken and Eggplant and Orange Cardamom Cookies), her French training (Ratatouille with Black Olives and Fried Bread and Purple Plum Skillet Tart), and her cooking career (Roast Duck Legs with Dates and Warm Lentil Salad and Rose Petal Ice Cream).
    An exhilarating, heartfelt memoir, "Maman 's Homesick Pie" is also a reminder of the women who encourage us to shine.

  152. I've been reading your blog (or some version of it) since you were 15! I definitely understand your desire to take a break, and I wish you the very best.


  153. Totally understand... I've really enjoyed reading your blog and looking at your beautiful pictures. Thank you. Jennifer

  154. I will miss reading your thoughts.
    I hope you'll come back here...

    Best wishes :)

  155. Aura,
    Your words have always brought me peace, and I thank you for the opportunity to peak inside the world through your eyes. You are an inspiration in many ways. Good luck on your journey.

  156. What would be so cool is if you come back and post about what life is like without your blog. I'm sure it would be full of insight.

    Then you could go back to your book nook with Elodie. :)

  157. oh Aura.. how I will miss you!.. you've been by far my most favorite, honest, inspirational blogger.. you can't imagine the impact of your words on my life. You're so full of light, insight, positiveness and wisdom.. Thank you for the time you dedicated to share your beautiful soul... All the best!

  158. Aura, I am missing you, so! I looked forward to coming here every day and seeing a little piece of your world. Truth is, I still come here every day hoping you've come back. I had my second son Sebastian this year and it was such bliss watching you on your journey into motherhood all the while opening my eyes to the things I missed the first time around. You're a special woman and you are missed.
    Rebecca (Brisbane, Australia).

  159. Hello Aura,

    I came across your blog yesterday morning over breakfast and immediately fell in love with your writing, photography, baby Elodie and your way of life etc... Believe it or not I read the whole of your blog ( it was very engaging)and although I understand you jumping ship means I will truly miss reading your blog. I wish and your beautiful family nothing but the best. Love Ella from Turkey

  160. Aura, I don't know if you even read these anymore, but nevertheless I need to take this time to write to you.

    You've taken me on a journey, lately. I discovered your blog not long ago, and have spent probably too much time getting to know this little bit about you and your way of looking at life. And I need to thank you.

    I suffered a terrible loss ten months ago, and since then most of my energy has gone into trying to stand on my own again, "learning to fly", if you will, and finding something to get excited about and to work towards. And without even knowing it yourself, you have helped.

    Although we live worlds apart, I recognise so many of your values in myself, especially your love for home and family, but also for the wider world and exploring it. Lately, I have come to realise exactly what home means to me - that is, everything. Instead of always being elsewhere in my mind, believing that the solution to most problems lies in simply relocating, I have made the conscious effort to slow down and see what I have neglected to see before. And I do feel that I am beginning to finally find my home, and that ground to stand on. And to really appreciate family more than I have ever been able to before. I can only hope that one day I will have built my own little family on this foundation that I have now begun to lay, but for now, let me just say,

    I wish you all the happiness and love in the world, with a long and wonderful life with your family, old and newer. Thank you for sharing a part of your beautiful soul with us.

    Helsinki, Finland

  161. thinking of you --
    hope all is well and everyone is happy :)

  162. I have just discovered your blog and I already love it. I found you through Bohemian season
    And I am just curious how you were able to get so many subscribers without any ads on your blog. I am just asking because I am currently thinking about how I can organize my blog so that people really want to read it (since it feel wierd to adress my readers in my posts when there aren't any). Would be awesome if you would have any tips and some advice for me ;)
    Besides, I love your garden (must be wonderful to harvest your own fruits and veggies - I love eating tomatoes right of my grandmas garden ;))

  163. I never knew what to say to you, Aura, because I do not "know" you. I know what you present to me through here, but I also know that there is much more to your life--to your husband's life, to your daughter's life, to everyone's life--than what I see here. I want to thank you for your words, your inspiration, your kindness and truth. I found you two and a half years ago, when I first started my blog. I am just now beginning to see the vanities and untruths and harshness of blogging. It is irritating, and I nearly stopped as well. However, for the moment, I am driven beyond the urge to succumb. I would rather write and visualize my own truths than insult myself and praise a stranger, a stranger's outfit, even, in order to gain followers. In the end, I don't care about my number of followers, or about my "lack" of giveaways. I just want to be happy.

    Having said that, I understand why you must leave. I praise you for your courage, and offer you nothing but good wishes for you and your family. I ask only that, if I am traveling through Oklahoma someday and I happen to see you, that I am allowed to say hello, and "Thank you."

    Now go.
    Jump ship and embrace a life free of vanity and virtual addictions.

  164. I am saddened to hear that I won't get to hear about your life, but in the same token, I'm excited for you for this "new" time...and I secretly hope that after a little bit of "space" you may just decide to return to us! :) GOOD LUCK!

  165. "What it feels like to live like no-one is looking" I'm pretty speechles but that phrase is going to stick by me a long, long time.


  166. Come back :( Forget the negative people and their comments. The positive ones that love your beautiful words and you out number them by 10s of thousands.


  167. Happy Birthday Month, little lady. :-) Hope things are going well for your sweet, full-o-life family! Miss your posts, not even gonna lie.

  168. I really miss you. your words have always helped me to find my way back to my peaceful place, whenever i felt that i was lost, through their simplicity and joy in describing every part of life, and love. I love you and your family and your grandpa on his bike. God bless you all.

  169. You were my favorite blog, thanks.

  170. still missing aura <3

  171. I miss you, Aura! I hope you and your family are doing well. Blessings to you all this holiday season.

  172. I miss you Aura, wish I could hear from you!

    xx Sini

  173. I always hope that you have been secretly writing these past two months and keeping them private -- and then one day make them public so we can read. I miss your view of life Aura. Teach me your ways.

  174. sooooo... how who do i have to sleep with, or bribe, or pay to get you to come back on this bandwagon?!

    i miss your posts. lots.

  175. I think tomorrow is your birthday. I hope you'll have a lovely day. I wish you all the peace and joy this world has to offer; may you have a year filled with sunshine.


  176. Aura, please, just leave a little comment here....miss u....a kiss and a "ciao" from Italy!

  177. I super miss this blog... it was so inspiring. Hope you are well, Aura!

  178. I really, sincerely miss your blog. I keep checking to see if you changed your mind or have graced us with another picture, post or story. I loved stopping by your blog to unwind and gain perspective at the end of a busy day. Your sharing of the Iranian part of your life is especially incredible, as it helps tie me to that part of my family as well. I hope you're well and that your sweet baby girl is thriving!

  179. I just wanted to leave a note to tell you how much I miss reading your stories. you have a beautiful perspective on life, a wonderful way with words, and your photographs are nothing short of incredible. Reading your blog always made me feel so inspired and appreciative of life. I hope that you and your family are well, and you're enjoying life <3

  180. keep checking!
    Katerina FF

  181. Hello Aura! Missing your posts and beeeeautiful pictures so much!
    Having said that, I hope you are having fun with little E, who must now be bigger :-)

  182. I love coming back here and reading the comments that other people leave because it always distinctly reminds me of this scene from My Big Fat Greek Wedding. WHYYYY you want to leave me, Aura??? And I totally relate to the sentiment.

  183. I tremendously miss your writing, your heartfelt stories, the pictures of your beloved grandfather. I miss the light in your pictures and I miss your perspective. I felt that I needed to tell you what you've done for me, given to me. I signed off of the internet for 3 weeks. I only used my smart phone as a phone. I shut down my FB account, and I didn't post a word on my own blog. Wow- what an experience that I never had thought of before this post about your jumping ship. You are so right; Time truly stopped and I had so many extra hours in the evening.

    Once I got back online, I cut the blogs I ready down by about 20. I only ready families now because like you mentioned, I don't even know all of those other people. Time spent in my own home, keeping my pictures private and my thoughts in a paper journal is truly a powerful thing. Thank you so much for this gift in my life.

    The holidays are going by so slowly- what a gift Aura. Thank you, you beautiful soul.

    With love,

  184. Hope you're having a wonderful holiday season --

    Missing your words always!

  185. hello Aura!!!!, just wish you a happy Christmas.
    Leave me speechless. So I send my best wishes and a hug...

    your friends

  186. wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday! missing your inspiration!

    xo JN

  187. Dear Aura,

    I miss you a lot.. If ever you changed your mind on blogging again, please let us know..

    I miss baby E too..

    Have a good day always :)

    Missing you,

  188. I'm in the process of rereading the whole of your blog. Reliving the quiet, mundane moments and seeing the beauty in them that you capture has brightened my days more than you can know. You lead a beautiful life, Aura. I hope you're enjoying it to the fullest. If ever you come back to this corner of the internet, know that you are welcomed with open arms.

  189. Aura, I miss your words and pictures so much! Please come back :(

  190. Aurajoon
    as the moon
    you left so soon

    to make way
    for a new day
    have you gone to stay?

    Thank you for leaving your beautiful blog online...
    I'm also in the process of rereading...

    Have a wonderful year!

  191. Hi Aura,

    I'm so late in commenting I hope you will still be able to receive this.

    You have written everything I have thought over the last year, yet I've not taken the leap to jump. For now I'm still compelled to keep a blog, although it is a love/hate relationship.

    May those extra hours be full of happiness and true beauty.

    thank you,
    Anna xx

  192. Aura - I wish you luck in the many adventures that lie ahead in the beautiful life of yours. I'll certainly miss reading your influential posts.


  193. I still come back here from time to time, hoping you are writing again. Your words are missed. So much, maybe more than you may think.

    You have helped me see the world in a different light, Aurajoon.


I love your words, advice, stories, and support more than you know. Thank you, thank you, thank you for always adding a bit of light to my day when you leave little notes.
